
Here are some bigger projects I’ve done:


less than 1 minute read

A CLI tool for validating and transmitting payloads from JSONL files into an Ed-Fi API.


less than 1 minute read

A CLI tool for transforming collections of tabular source data into a variety of text-based data formats via YAML configuration and Jinja templates.


less than 1 minute read

A dbt package for creating synthetic data on several backends.

Age Estimation from Rhytides

less than 1 minute read

A computer vision project with the goal of detecting and quantifying facial wrinkles (rhytides) for age estimation.


less than 1 minute read

A Python and SQLite tool for querying website access logs.

The effect of redistricting

3 minute read

What proportion of the US population is affected by redistricting? Here is a data-based estimate - the answer is surprisingly large.

AWS Category Explorer

less than 1 minute read

An interactive visualization tool for Amazon’s tree of over 27,000 product categories.

On gerrymandering

6 minute read

Gerrymandering is one of those “I know it when I see it” things… but how can we define and quantify it? Here is one attempt, with some analysis of current po...